Versuri DOC – Acum

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De cand ma stiu mi-a placut sa simt decat sa judec. 
Cand oare ingheata mintea asta creata. 
Ca un pudel pierdut in piata de dimineata. 
Cand un juve se certa c-o dama de mama, mama, caine dute. 
O iau pe asta mica in brate, pe fata chiar ne-am f*te. 
Jur pe biblie, in instanta o iau de soata dintre sute. 
Cand arunca pe ea o zdreanta, pune modele pe mute. 
Ia paiu meu ca haiu meu si cotele de munte sunt acolo. 
Haa, te-am mintit, de fapt dansez cu Andromeda. 
Mami simt ca a rasarit soarele-n mine. 
Ma gasesti afara, ai grija ca am iesit. 
Las corpul asta cu tine, ii spui lui daca am gresit. 

Ceva, ceva, ceva. 
Important e ce va urma. 

E raspunsul general, universul se deschide, 
Intru-n transul natural si.. 
Ooo, tu te gandesti la f*tai. 
Ca tu esti ca mine, om, si ta gandesti la ce n-ai. 
Sa-ti mi iei si tu gen Nicolae Zamfir. 
Lasa-ma co*ie ca am film, zi-mi Nae Caranfil. 
Uite atomii explodeaza-n vid. 
Atatea idei duse departe.. 
Inapoi cu freshu si freshu e ce trebuie. 
Recompun fructul iubirii, cand toata lumea chefuie. 

Toti vrem mai mult, mai des. 
Si le vrem acum cu amares. 
Sunt doar un prost intre prosti. 
Da-mi Doamne niste rabdare.
Stii ce, da-mi-o mie toata. 
Ca sunt si eu ca toata lumea tata, ca.. 
Toti vrem mai mult, mai des. 
Si le vrem acum cu amares. 

I feel like I was born in the wrong place, wrong planet, wrong race. 
If there were a court, I have a strong case. 
Like my J 17, that was my age when I started rappin’. 
All black and white like the departed Chaplin. 
20 years later, dues I paid’m, cool’s I slade’m. 
Always updated, I really wanna to be one of the few who made it. 
F*cked up really, it’s my way, I gotta know I painted it, I shaped it. 
So beautiful, versuri-lyrics. info you can’t get your eyes off the pavement. 
Why can’t I have slippers house slickers, .. 
If the blood thickens you may get the.. 
I’m crazy but the boss, my alcoholic cousin. 
So high that I labeled the stars ’till my c*m starts buzzing. 
I gotta get back to the bed, history don’t write itself
I’m so high that my.. taste the pain I felt. 
When the.. so hard like now. 
Used to cry when I was having s***, it’s all hard now boy. 

We are one more right now. 
And most of the time we don’t need that.

Author: Radu

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